About Us

Our story

Our story is simple. We are a group of experienced consultants who are fueled with a burning desire to make a difference. We want to help people achieve personal and professional growth. 

Here, we highlight some key moments that define our history. 

15 years and counting…we’ve had an interesting past, an exciting present – and we are looking forward to our future!

our story


Early beginning

We trace our origins to our predecessor, a boutique training and consulting company that our founder and his partner launched in the year 2008 amid the backdrop of the Global Financial Crisis that affected many Asian markets.

We were motivated to curate a training programme targeted predominantly at the banking industry. 

We invited a best selling American author and customer service guru to Asia, a man known as The Amazing Service Guy, 

Mr. Kevin Stirtz and we launched a highly successful Customer Service pubic event that was attended by leading banks and financial service providers. The event focused on the importance of building customer loyalty and enhancing customer service experience during times of crisis.


After launching and running more than a hundred in house training programmes that took our brand to markets outside Malaysia, such as the Middle East, we decided to merge our business and collaborate with a new business partner to tap new industries and market segments.


The untimely passing of a business partner and the COVID-19 pandemic meant a slowdown in our operations. 

At this time, our founder decided to focus on a digital consultancy that he had set up during the pandemic to help start-ups build their digital presence.


Rebirth! We fully relaunched under our new brand name Catapult Learning Solutions.  

Brand Mission

To empower learners worldwide with the knowledge and confidence they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Brand Vision

We want to be the leading destination for in house training, revolutionizing the way individuals acquire knowledge and expertise. With a relentless commitment to cutting-edge technology and expert-led content, we aspire to create a dynamic community of learners, where everyone can unleash their passion for learning, forge new paths, and embrace a world of endless possibilities.


Brand Promise

Our commitment is to deliver enriching and impactful learning experiences that elevate skills, ignite passions, and fuel ambitions. 

Values and personality

Values & Personality

Our Values

Our values are our guiding principles for growth and success. They play an important part of our brand story, what we do, and why we do what we do. They shape our culture, drive our actions, and inspire us to make a positive impact on the lives of our learners.

1. Excellence

Striving for excellence is a core value that drives us. We are committed to delivering training programmes of the highest quality, providing exceptional learning experiences, and helping individuals achieve their full potential.

2. Empowerment

Empowering individuals is at the heart of what we do. We believe in equipping our learners with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and seize opportunities in their personal and professional lives.

3. Personalisation

Recognising that every individual is unique, we prioritise personalised learning experiences. We tailor our training programmes to the specific needs, goals, and learning styles of our participants, ensuring maximum relevance and effectiveness.

Our Personality

Our commitment is to deliver enriching and impactful learning experiences that elevate skills, ignite passions, and fuel ambitions. 

1. Approachable

We pride ourselves on being approachable and creating a warm and welcoming learning environment. We encourage open communication, value each learner’s perspective, and foster a friendly atmosphere where questions and  discussions are encouraged.

2. Engaging

We pride ourselves on being approachable and creating a warm and welcoming learning environment. We encourage open communication, value each learner’s perspective, and foster a friendly atmosphere where questions and  discussions are encouraged.

3. Supportive

We understand that learning can sometimes be challenging, so we provide a supportive environment  where learners feel encouraged and empowered. Our instructors and support staff are dedicated to offering guidance, assistance, and mentorship, ensuring that learners receive the help they need to succeed.

4. Professional

We maintain the highest level of professionalism in all aspects of our training. Our instructors are experts in their fields, and our training materials and resources are carefully curated to reflect the latest industry standards. We take pride in delivering a professional experience that meets the needs of our learners.

5. Inclusive

We celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity in all our training initiatives. We believe that everyone should have access to quality education and equal opportunities for growth. We create an inclusive environment that respects and values individuals from all backgrounds and experiences.

Differentiation and positioning

Differentiation and positioning

We care about growing people because we care about our client’s organizational growth and success. People are the greatest assets in an organization and an organization that wishes to reach and stay at the top has to have the best people operating in every department.  


At Catapult, we design our programmes to help every level of learner, from executive to top management. Our objective is that every programme we design and offer becomes the industry benchmark. We want to be the first name that comes to our client’s minds and the place they turn to for their employees’ training and development needs.

Our Positioning

We are pretty sure by now that you’ve already established that we are a very passionate and dedicated provider of customised learning solutions. We position ourselves as a leader. We position ourselves as different because we are whole heartedly committed to delivering excellent and continuous learning solutions to shape the leaders of tomorrow.

1. Holistic Approach

Our positioning is rooted in a holistic approach to professional development. Our training programmes integrate soft skills, critical thinking, and leadership development, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience that equips individuals with the tools they need to excel in their careers.

2. Cutting-Edge Content

As pioneers in our field, we are committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and emerging practices. Our training content is meticulously curated, incorporating the latest research, best practices, and innovative methodologies. We empower learners with up-to-date knowledge and equip them with the skills needed to navigate dynamic business landscapes.

3. Results-Oriented

We understand that training is an investment, and we are dedicated to providing a high return on that investment. Through our practical, hands-on approach and focus on real-world applications, we ensure that learners acquire skills that translate into tangible outcomes and drive organizational success.