Case Studies

We thought it would be a great idea to let visitors of our website know about some of our past in house training projects.  We can’t list them all but here’s a small sample of the work we’ve done.

Accent Neutralisation Programme

Kerry Ingredients (under Kerry Group) is an Irish multinational who are an international leader in taste & nutrition innovation with manufacturing facilities and offices around the world.

One of the training projects that we organised for Kerry Group was Accent Neutralisation for the Inbound Customer Service Representatives team in its Johor, Malaysia operations office. The Inbound Customer Service Representatives’ role was to provide support and assistance to internal customers who initiated contact with the company through various channels such as phone calls or emails. They sought information or help with a product or service, or resolution to a problem.

The Inbound Customer Service Representatives are responsible for handling these incoming customer inquiries and providing timely and satisfactory responses. They play a vital role in delivering a positive customer experience by addressing customer needs, resolving issues, and ensuring customer satisfaction. The challenge that the management identified was the inbound team faced difficulty in understanding the various Irish, UK, and Australian accents of the customers. At the same time, the customers themselves sometimes faced difficulty understanding the inbound team’s accent and dialect. 

To overcome this communication problem, we designed and organised an Accent Neutralisation training programme for them. 

Our programme was able to help individuals reduce or modify their native accent when speaking a second or foreign language. The programme focused on developing clear and effective communication by minimising pronunciation patterns, intonation variations, and speech habits that may hinder understanding or create barriers in professional contexts. 

The goal of the programme was to enhance clarity and intelligibility in spoken English communication. By developing awareness and adopting strategies for clearer pronunciation and speech patterns, the participants gained greater confidence and were better equipped to navigate diverse professional environments, interact far more efficiently with their customers, and convey their ideas and answers effectively.


Leadership Support Programme

Polyplastics Asia is a Japanese multinational who are a global leader in the production and development of engineering plastics. Polyplastics Asia specifically operates in the Asian region and is responsible for the sales, marketing, and distribution of Polyplastics’ products.  

We were successful in a Leadership Development project pitch to Polyplastics Asia and were given the opportunity to conduct our signature Leadership programme for managers and senior management at the Malaysian operations and manufacturing site in Pahang, Malaysia. Our client loved the concept of our programme which kicked off with a leadership foundation workshop and was supported with follow up group and individual coaching sessions for a period of six months. Our participants comprised young managers, section heads, plant managers, technical managers, general managers, and department heads. 

Our programme was an intensive management-related theory, practical and solution-oriented development programme that incorporated a variety of instructional methods, concepts, group activities, case studies, simulations, and coaching sessions. Through learning, sharing, and experience, managers were equipped with relevant skill sets to effectively navigate the challenges of leadership and management to achieve the desired results. 

They learned to develop the right mindset to inspire, motivate others, solve problems, and effectively lead their teams towards achieving organizational goals, fostering a positive work culture, and creating sustainable success.

Continuous learning and reinforcement was an important factor in the success of our programme. We organized follow up coaching and mentoring seasons for each manager through group and individual sessions to reinforce learning and to coach managers who were facing challenges.

Effective Project Management

The Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) is a regulatory body in Malaysia responsible for regulating the energy sector and ensuring the provision of sustainable and reliable energy for the country. It was established under the Energy Commission Act 2001 and operates under the purview of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

The Energy Commission engaged us to conduct a series of Project Management training programmes for their employees. The employees we were tasked to train included Executives, Unit Heads, and Regional Directors.

The objective of Project Management training is to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to effectively plan, execute, and control projects to achieve desired outcomes. The training aims to develop competencies in project management principles, methodologies, and best practices, enabling individuals to lead projects successfully and deliver results.

Among the specific objectives our training focused on were; Understanding Project Management Fundamentals, Developing Project Planning Skills, Enhancing Project Execution and Monitoring, Applying Project Control and Risk Management, Strengthening Leadership and Communication, Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork, and Cultivating Continuous Improvement.

Essential Presentation Skills

OMRON is a Japanese electrical equipment manufacturer who are a global leader in the field of automation. OMRON’s business fields cover a broad spectrum, ranging from industrial automation and electronic components to social systems including automated ticket gates and solar power conditioners, healthcare, etc. At present, OMRON provides products and services in around 120 countries and regions. 

OMRON Malaysia engaged us to conduct our signature Essential Presentation Skills training for a selected number of employees. The employees were handpicked by department heads to be presenters and emcees for an important regional event that was going to be hosted by OMRON Malaysia at a prestigious 5-star hotel in KL, Malaysia. The event was to be attended by key dignitaries and high level management from various regional OMRON offices in Asia including India, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia.

The purpose of the training was to groom, coach, and prepare the handpicked staff for the important event. Over the course of a specially customized 3 days of training and a half day of coaching, we covered many key areas such as Confidence, Audience Engagement, and Charisma. 

We taught our participants the importance of having good body language, facial expressions, posture, and eye contact. By the end of the intense training and coaching, the participants displayed an increased level of confidence, improved their style and technique in delivery a professional presentation with good storytelling, and were able to show us they could control a roomful of attendees. 

Coaching and Mentoring

Dhiraagu is the leading telecommunications company in the Maldives. It is a well-established and prominent telecommunications service provider that offers a wide range of services to individuals, businesses, and government institutions across the Maldives archipelago.

Dhiraagu’s Human Resource Department engaged us to deliver a 2-day customised Coaching and Mentoring training programme to a selected group of its employees.

The purpose of the training was to enhance the participants’ skills and knowledge in providing guidance, support, and development opportunities to others. Our programme equipped participants with the necessary tools, techniques, and understanding to effectively coach and mentor individuals or teams within various contexts.

The components of our training curriculum included; Differentiating coaching and mentoring from other forms of support, Benefits and value of coaching and mentoring relationships, Questioning techniques and powerful questioning, Building rapport and trust with mentees, Overview of popular coaching and mentoring models (e.g., GROW model, OSKAR model), Understanding different coaching and mentoring approaches (e.g., directive, non-directive, transformational), Ethical considerations and professional standards, Creating a safe and supportive environment for learning and growth, and Managing power dynamics and balancing support and challenge.

We also taught participants an action plan of how to assess and measure progress. They learned techniques for assessing mentees’ needs, strengths, and areas for development, how to monitor progress and set milestones, how to evaluate the impact of coaching and mentoring interventions, and how to use appropriate assessment tools and techniques.

The curriculum was delivered through a combination of interactive sessions, group discussions, case studies, practical exercises, and role-plays.

Credit Report Writing

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, now known as MUFG Bank is Japan’s largest bank. The bank engaged us to deliver a number of financial skills development programmes for their staff, one of which was Credit Report Writing. 

In a nutshell, this training teaches credit professionals how to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively create accurate and comprehensive credit reports. Credit reports are important documents used by financial institutions, lenders, and credit agencies to assess an individual’s creditworthiness and make informed decisions regarding lending and credit terms.

Our programme equips participants with the necessary expertise to gather and analyze credit-related information and present it in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner within a credit report.

Key components covered in this training included; Overview of the purpose and importance of credit reports, Legal and regulatory considerations related to credit reporting, Credit scoring models and their relevance to credit reports, Techniques for gathering credit-related information from various sources, such as financial statements, bank records, credit applications, and credit bureau reports, 

Analyzing financial ratios and key indicators to assess creditworthiness, Identifying potential risks and red flags in credit information, Establishing a clear and logical structure for credit reports, Effective use of headings, subheadings, and sections, and Presenting information in a reader-friendly format. 

The training was delivered through a combination of case study reviews, practical exercises, and interactive sessions.

Aviation Safety Management Systems

Oman Airports Management Company (OAMC) is the organization responsible for managing and operating airports in the Sultanate of Oman. OAMC oversees the development, maintenance, and operation of several airports in Oman, playing a vital role in the country’s aviation industry.

OAMC engaged us to deliver a comprehensive 4-day Aviation Safety Management Systems (SMS) workshop to key stakeholders and senior management in their organization. Our popular Safety Management Systems training programme is based on ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) principles.

The training programme focuses on equipping individuals and organizations in the aviation industry with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement and maintain a robust safety management system. SMS is a systematic approach to managing safety risks and promoting a proactive safety culture within aviation organizations. 

Key components covered in the training included; Overview of the concept and principles of safety management systems, Understanding the importance of a proactive approach to safety in aviation, Risk management: Identifying, assessing, and mitigating safety risks, Safety assurance: 

Monitoring and evaluating safety performance, audits, and inspections, Familiarization with international and national regulations and standards relevant to aviation safety management systems (e.g., ICAO, FAA, EASA), Hazard identification and risk assessment techniques, Incident reporting and investigation processes, Safety reporting and documentation requirements, Understanding the impact of organizational culture on safety, Human factors considerations in aviation safety management, Establishing emergency response plans and procedures, Aligning safety management with other organizational functions and processes, and Roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders within the organization.

The training was delivered through the use of case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises to apply the concepts and techniques learned. The SMS training programme aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of aviation safety management systems and enable participants to implement and maintain effective safety management practices within their organization.

Professional Grooming, Etiquette and Customer Service

Imperial Garments is a large apparel manufacturer based in Perak, Malaysia. They are owned by a Taiwanese parent company.

We were engaged by the company’s Human Resource Department to conduct a strategic training programme in Mandarin that focused on the areas of Professional Grooming, Etiquette, and Customer Service.  

The programme had two key objectives. The first objective was to prepare employees for a site visit by top level management and key dignitaries from Taiwan. Hence, this training covered various aspects of personal grooming and business etiquette. The second objective was to improve the level of customer service of  the company’s customer facing staff. With that in mind, we covered effective customer service techniques to create a positive and lasting impression on customers and clients.

Key ingredients of the programme included; Dress code and appropriate attire for different professional settings, Personal hygiene and grooming standards, 

Body language, posture, and non-verbal communication, Meeting and greeting protocols, including handshakes and introductions, Active listening and effective communication techniques, Providing personalized and attentive customer service, and Handling difficult customers and challenging scenarios. 

The training was delivered through a combination of theoretical presentations, interactive discussions, role-plays, case studies, and practical exercises to reinforce learning and application of skills.

Elevate your company with personalised training programmes. Let's Catapult Your Growth!
